Camden – ESI at the Camden Conference: Germany, Europe, and the politics of refugee protection
ESI's Gerald Knaus was invited to speak at the annual Camden Conference in Camden, Maine. The 2017 Camden Conference – "Refugees and Global Migration: Humanity's Crisis" – featured discussions with speakers on migrant and refugee issues. They explored the varied causes of the current international crisis and the unique challenges that come with accepting immigrants from particular countries, regions, and demographic groups. Speakers also examined the political, economic, and social consequences of population flight for the countries they have abandoned in the Middle East, Africa, and Central America.
In his presentation on "Germany, Europe, and the politics of refugee protection", Gerald focused on what is working and not working in current European efforts and outlined a cautiously optimistic vision how and why the EU-Turkey agreement on migration can work.
Courier-Gazette & Camden Herald, Ron Bancroft, "Refugees and Global Migration: Humanity's Crisis" (3 March 2017)