Berlin – ESI conference - debate on campaign "For a Europe without political prisoners"
The European Stability Initiative and Christoph Strässer, Federal Commissioner for Human Rights of the German government, invited senior European policy makers, parliamentarians, and human rights activists to discuss what different institutions – the Council of Europe, the European Union and international human rights organisations – must do to realise the vision of a Europe without political prisoners in the near future.
The conference opened on Monday June 2, with a panel on "A Europe with-out political prisoners – how to get there?"
On Tuesday June 3, the conference continued with three closed sessions: "Member states of the Council of Europe and the European Union and political prisoners – what can they do?," "The institutions of the Council of Europe and the European Union and political prisoners – what can they do?," and "The public and the role of civil society – how to be less reactive and more effective?" at the Swedish embassy in Berlin.
Full video of the conference and individual clips
- "Europe without political prisoners" – Suggestions for Concrete Steps for Debate (31 May 2014)
- More information on the conference
- Full video of the conference and individual clips
- NIDA's "Live not by Lies" Baku Court Speech – May 2014 (6 May 2014)
- The Cat and Mouse principle and the visit by Mr. Jagland in Baku (5 May 2014). Also available in Greek: Το παιχνίδι της γάτας και του ποντικιού και η επίσκεψη του κ. Γιάγκλαντ στο Μπακού
- Open letter to 125 current and former members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (23 April 2014). Translations of the open letter are available in: Azeri, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Spanish, and Turkish
- ESI newsletter: Hunger strike, European values and an Open Letter (23 April 2014)
- ESI country section on Azerbaijan