Stuttgart – ESI at expert hearing on migration policy at the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg
ESI senior analyst Katharina Knaus gave a short presentation at the expert hearing "Responsible Migration Policy”. The video conference was organised by the Working Group Law and Constitution of the CDU State Parliamentary Group (CDU-Landtagsfraktion) Baden Württemberg. Among the invited experts were the vice-president of the Association of Municipalities, the President of the District Association, and representatives of the Refugee Council Baden-Württemberg, Caritas, Diakonisches Werk.
Katharina talked about the possibility of an increasing number of refugees from Ukraine due to the destruction of infrastructure in Ukraine and the energy crisis in Moldova, which could lead to greater numbers of refugees in Germany. Moldova is hosting already over 80,000 refugees from Ukraine. It and urgently needs financial support to be able to buy gas and electricity from the West.