Hilversum – ESI interview on Dutch TV on EU asylum and migration policy
14 June 2017
ESI's Gerald Knaus gave an interview to the Dutch news show "EenVandaag". He noted that major reforms are needed to address the humanitarian crisis in the Central Mediterranean by setting up EU asylum missions in border states and concluding arrangements with countries of origin, such as Nigeria. He said that "the Netherlands have the most efficient asylum system in Europe, and it must be introduced as soon as possible throughout the EU."
- EenVandaag, "Bedenker Turkije-deal: Maak afspraken met Nigeria" ("Architect of the Turkey deal: make arrangements with Nigeria") (14 June 2017)
- ESI proposals for the refugee crises in the Central Mediterranean and the Aegean: www.esiweb.org/refugees
- Media reactions to ESI refugee proposals
Previous appearances on Dutch TV
- Nieuwsuur, "Zal migrantenakkoord tussen Italië en Libië werken?" ("Will the migration agreement between Italy and the Libya work?") (6 February 2017)
- Nieuwsuur, "Bedenker Turkijedeal vindt uitwerking een schande" ("The architect of the Turkey deal considers its effects a disgrace") (1 September 2016)
- EenVandaag, "Heeft de vluchtelingendeal met Turkije nog toekomst?" ("Does the refugee deal with Turkey have a future?") (11 August 2016)
- Nieuwsuur, "Plan Zijlstra druist in tegen solidariteit van PvdA" ("Zijlstra's plan goes against the solidarity of Labour") (22 May 2016)
- Nieuwsuur, "EU moet toegeven op visumvrij reizen voor Turkije" ("EU must give visa-free travel to Turkey") (11 May 2016)
- Nieuwsuur, "Alleen Syrische vluchtelingen teruggestuurd naar Turkije" ("Only Syrian refugees sent back to Turkey") (16 April 2016)
- Nieuwsuur, "Woedende Syriërs op eiland Chios vanwege terugkeer naar Turkije" ("Angry Syrians on the island of Chios are being sent back to Turkey") (3 April 2016)
- EenVandaag, "Gerald Knaus: de man naar wie Europa luistert" ("Gerald Knaus, the man to whom Europe is listening") (7 March 2016)
- Nieuwsuur - TV interview with Gerald Knaus on ESI's proposal for the refugee crisis - (28 January 2016)