Athens – ESI presentation at ELIAMEP: The EU, asylum, and borders after Brexit
21 September 2016

Athens. Photo: flickr/C.
ESI's Gerald Knaus spoke at a closed expert meeting organised by the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) on "The EU, asylum, and borders after Brexit". The Greek newspaper Kathimerini reported on the event: "Κνάους: «Eλλειψη σοβαρότητας στο προσφυγικό»" ("There is a lack of seriousness in how we deal with the refugee issue").
Gerald was also interviewed for a feature by the Belgian public broadcaster VRT on the situation of refugees in Greece: De Redactie, "50.000 vluchtelingen in Griekenland zijn ten einde raad" ("50,000 refugees in Greece are desperate").
- Background paper: On solid ground? Eleven facts about the EU-Turkey Agreement (12 September 2016)
- More media reactions to ESI refugee proposals
- The Merkel-Samson Plan –