Berlin – ESI at debate at the Bundestag on human rights protection and the European Convention on Human Rights

29 November 2023
Photo: CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion / Michael Wittig

ESI’s Gerald Knaus was invited to participate in the “Congress Human Rights – Foundation of the World Order: Defence and enforcement of international human rights conventions”, organised by the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and the Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CSU) faction.

In his panel, “The European conscience today: The European Convention on Human Rights Convention and the Council of Europe after 70 years of existence”, Gerald spoke about the current crisis of the European Court of Human Rights and the future of the Council of Europe.

In addition, Gerald presented the lessons learnt from the Navalny case, especially from the court’s judgements and Putin’s contempt for the European Court of Human Rights.

Gerald at discussion
Photo: CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion / Michael Wittig

In the second part of his presentation, Gerald spoke about the case and the arrest of Gubad Ibadoghlu and the situation of political prisoners in Azerbaijan. Gubad Ibadoghlu, a prominent political economist and civil activist in Azerbaijan, was arrested in July 2023. He was charged with fabricated offenses related to the production, acquisition, or sale of counterfeit money.

This incident adds to the broader concerns regarding the treatment of political prisoners in Azerbaijan whose government is often using legal pretexts to suppress dissent and limit freedom of expression, particularly among activists, journalists, and opposition figures.

Gerald argued that because of this case, Azerbaijan should be given an ultimatum and that there should be a Council of Europe without political prisoners.

Gerald at discussion
Photo: CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion / Michael Wittig

The other panellists were Friedrich Merz (Parliamentary Group Chairman), Johann David Wadephul (member of the German Parliament), Knut Abraham (Diplomat and Member of the German Parliament), Anja Seibert-Fohr (Judge at the European Court of Human Rights), Thomas Feltes (Member of the Anti-Torture Committee of the Council of Europe), and Helga Gayer (Chair of the Council of Europe Expert Group on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings trafficking in human beings). The panel was moderated by Jürgen Hardt (Member of the Bundestag).