Berlin – ESI at public debate on the German perspective on the refugee crisis
20 June 2017
ESI's Gerald Knaus participated in a public debate on the Syrian refugee crisis with Robin Alexander, author of the book "Die Getriebenen" ("The Haunted") which looks at the decision making processes in the German government as the crisis unfolded in 2015 leading to the "border opening" September 2015 and the public debate in Germany following that decision.
Gerald Knaus
Founding chairman,
European Stability Initiative (ESI)
Robin Alexander
Author of "Die Getriebenen"
Tobias Rapp
Journalist, Der Spiegel
- ESI proposals for the refugee crises in the Central Mediterranean and the Aegean:
- Media reactions to ESI refugee proposals
Recent ESI presentations on the refugee crisis:
- Berlin – ESI at public debate: "Problem Solved? - How to tackle the Refugee Crisis and Migration to the EU" (20 June 2017)
- Rome – Lecture at Nato Defense College on the Western Balkans and meetings on EU asylum and border policy (8 June 2017)
- Berlin – ESI at the Think 20 Summit "Global Solutions" (29 May 2017)
- Athens – "Europe's Borders: Security, Migration, Human Rights" (22 May 2017)
- The Hague – "Human Act or Devil's Pact? Human rights aspects of migration agreements between EU and third countries" (18 May 2017)
- Brussels – ESI at the Think Global Day: "Fortress Europe: closed or open?" (16 May 2017)
- Rome – ESI presentation: Italy, Germany and the Mediterranean a proposal to save lives, the refugee convention and liberal Europe (12 May 2017)
- Camden – ESI at the Camden Conference: Germany, Europe, and the politics of refugee protection (18 February 2017)