Sarajevo – ESI on Bosnia's path towards EU candidate status
7 April 2016
ESI analyst Adnan Cerimagic spoke in Sarajevo at a conference on "EU candidate status – between challenges and weaknesses." The event, organized by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Sarajevo-based think tank Foreign Policy Initiative BH, was attended by representatives of government institutions and academia, diplomats, and journalists. Adnan presented latest ESI reports and ideas on EU-Bosnia relations.
- BiEPB, "The untold story behind Bosnia's EU membership application", 17 March 2016
- ESI, "Escaping the first circle of hell or the secret behind Bosnian reforms", 10 March 2016
- ESI, "Bosnia as Wunderkind of Doing Business. Outline of 14 steps to take – A Proposal to the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina", 19 March 2015
- ESI, "Protests and Illusions – How Bosnia and Herzegovina lost a decade", 23 December 2014
- Rumeli Observer, "Bosnians care – But will protests change things?", 23 December 2014
- ESI, "Pumpkins, outliers and the Doing Business illusion", 4 November 2014
- ESI, "Houdini in Bosnia. How to unlock the EU accession process", 17 October 2013
- ESI, "Lost in the Bosnian labyrinth. Why the Sejdic-Finci case should not block an EU application", 7 October 2013