Our proposals

ESI is an independent non-profit think-tank with an agenda: to fight for a better, fairer and stronger Europe based on the rule of law and respect for human rights, and for a chance for its neighbours to join it. Our tools are arguments, our role is to develop, through serious research and analysis, concrete and well-explained policy proposals that can be implemented. We believe in factfulness, rational arguments and the value of intense debate. At this moment we are advocating for the following policy proposals:

New presentations

ESI proposals in video and audio

Channel proposal for Labour

On safe third countries and the Channel

Council of Europe, Kosovo vote and a unicorn

Support Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe

Political prisoners and the Council of Europe

How to recover the soul of the Council of Europe

Caviar Diplomacy

Why every European should care

EU-Turkey Statement 2.0

How the EU and Turkey must cooperate in their mutual interest

Humane Borders

Saving the Refugee Convention

Rumeli Observer blog

Observations on Europe

Thank You Payments for hosting Ukrainian families

A powerful signal to Russia that its horrific blackmail will fail

Stop Orban’s silent cash machine

Addressing threats to economic cohesion and to democracy

End the turtle race

How the EU can address the crisis of the accession process

Offer the four freedoms to the Balkans, Ukraine, and Moldova

For a merit-based EU accession process with a credible goal

How to save the rule of law in Poland

The European Commission should return to the ECJ

New deal with Africa

Regular access and fast return

Why Russia had to be expelled from the Council of Europe

Europe’s club of democracies needs to protect itself from countries blatantly violating its rules

An airlift 2022 for Ukrainians

And a European plan to help refugees in Moldova

UNHCR and the future of refugee protection

Establish humane control through cooperation

Anti-Corruption Report for the West Balkans

Measure corruption in order to fight it

How to teach war in the Balkans?

For a comprehensive analysis of 20th century history textbooks

Red Lines for Turkey

Define clear standards. Assess them strictly

Abandon clichés about Bosnia

Push EU-related reforms instead of arbitrary conditions

Silly rankings don't help

The World Bank should change the methodology of its Doing Business ranking

Previous proposals

Why Orban had to leave the EPP

Europe's centre-right is better off without Fidesz