Pristina – ESI capacity building seminar: How to set up a think tank, write policy reports and do effective advocacy?

13 September 2014
Besa Shahini – Schol children in Kosovo. Photos: ESI – flickr/Stephen Luke
Besa Shahini – Schol children in Kosovo. Photos: ESI – flickr/Stephen Luke

Capacity Building Seminar

How to set up a think tank, write policy reports and do effective advocacy?

13 September 2014
Venue: Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK)

Over the last 15 years, we wrote over 80 reports on South East Europe, in an effort to change important debates about the region in the European Union. In the process, we have met and worked with hundreds of talented people who were interested in setting up local think tanks to do ESI-style policy research and advocacy. This encouraged us to embark on a capacity building program, to help young people organize in achieving the policy impact they wanted. Six think tanks were set up over the years in Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo and Georgia.   

So what does it take to set up a think tank?
How to write a good policy paper?
What is the secret of a successful advocacy effort?

If you are a Kosovar researcher, analyst or journalist, and you are interested to learn more about our methodology, we invite you to join our Senior Analyst, Besa Shahini, on a one day Capacity Building Seminar in Prishtina, on 13 September 2014.

Since ESI is currently researching schools and education policy in Kosovo, the seminar will be focused on these topics as well.

If you meet our language requirements - fluency in English and Albanian or Serbian – please send the following to by Monday 8 September 2014:

Your CV and ONE of the following:

a) one page letter of motivation on why you are interested in this seminar, and what you might do with what you learn (in English); OR
b) one page essay on the three main challenges you think Kosovo's basic education sector struggles with today (remember: NOT higher education); OR
c) one page essay on an Albanian language children's book (fiction or non fiction), highlighting the reasons why it stuck to your memory for all these years.

There is limited space so if you want to participate, please write to us as soon as you can. Also, give us your telephone number so we can call you.

We are grateful to the ICKosovo for providing us with the space for the seminar and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs for financing our education research in Kosovo.