Tirana – ESI at discussion on the European Integration of Albania and the Western Balkans
5 October 2022

Tirana. Photo: Julien Maury/flickr
ESI’s Gerald Knaus was invited to give an online presentation to political reporters and Albanian opinion makers on the “European integration of Albania and the Western Balkans: what now and what next?” organised by the Albanian Media Institute.
In his presentation, Gerald spoke about ESI’s proposals for the Western Balkans, arguing that the EU should develop a credible and concrete strategy to offer the Wester Balkan countries access to the Single Market and the Four Freedoms.
- ESI proposal: “Open EU Single Market to the Balkans”
- ESI report: “The Balkan Turtle Race”
- Albanian Post, Has Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe failed? , 7 October 2022