Vienna – Meetings and presentations on the refugee crisis
8 March 2016
ESI's Gerald Knaus met senior officials in the Austrian Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including a "Sicherheitspolitisches Frühstück" in the big meeting hall of the Ministry of the Interior in Herrengasse to present ESI's proposals for the refugee crisis.
The visit was widely covered in Austrian media:
- Die Presse, Susanne Güsten, "Kritik aus Ankara: Die Türkei wird zum 'Hotelstaat'" ("Criticism from Ankara: Turkey is becoming a 'hotel state'") (9 March 2016)
- ORF, Report, "Studiogast: Knaus, Leiter "European Stability Initiative" (1)" ("Studio guest: Knaus, Chairman "European Stability Initiative" (1)") (8 March 2016)
- ORF, Report, "Studiogast: Knaus, Leiter "European Stability Initiative" (2)" ("Studio guest: Knaus, Chairman "European Stability Initiative" (2)") (8 March 2016)
- ORF, ZIB24, "Türkei-Experte Knaus über den geplanten Deal" ("Turkey expert Gerald Knaus on the planned deal") (7 March 2016)
A full list of all international media reactions is also available.
In recent weeks, ESI has made presentations in Ankara, Athens, Rome, and in many other places.