Luzern – ESI at the aha Festival: how can migration be depoliticised?

ESI’s Gerald Knaus was invited to give a presentation on how to depoliticise migration at the aha Festival. The aha Festival is a science festival that merges interactive events with contemporary scientific topics, aiming to spark curiosity. It addresses a non-specialist public.
Gerald debated with Rafaela Roth, a journalist for Neue Zürcher Zeitung, about the European Union’s shortcomings in handling migration and the consequent rise of right-wing populism. He highlighted widespread misconceptions about migration, which have inadvertently boosted the popularity of right-wing parties.
He emphasised the critical need for establishing human border policies and procedures, pointing out that current practices primarily “benefit” those who survive the perilous journey to Europe. Gerald also touched on Switzerland’s approach to migration and the potential for increased collaboration with EU countries.
Moreover, Gerald advocated for effective readmission agreements and the designation of safe third countries to reduce irregular migration and prevent deaths at sea, which would also undermine the business model of human smugglers.
Lastly, he discussed the future of the refugee, underlining the essential need to uphold migrants’ human rights at Europe’s external borders.

- ESI proposal: Safe Third Country Agreements
- ESI proposal: Humane Borders
- ESI proposal: EU-Turkey Statement 2.0
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Gerald Knaus hält das Migrationsproblem für lösbar. Der Forscher sagt: «Weil die EU versagt, profitieren jetzt die Rechtspopulisten» (Gerald Knaus believes the migration problem can be solved. The researcher says: "Because the EU is failing, the right-wing populists are now benefiting),Interview with Gerald Knaus, 27 January 2024
- Der Spiegel, Wenn Leute Schutz brauchen, darf man sie nicht einfach wegschicken ("When people need protection, you can't just send them away"), Interview with Gerald Knaus, 24 January 2024