The island nation of Nauru: is this the future of the global refugee system? Photo: Shutterstock / Robert Szymanski

Humane Borders

Saving the Refugee Convention

Adherence to the global refugee protection system has always been fragile. And yet, today the system risks collapse, as pushbacks are carried out routinely across the world, including in Europe, in Australia and in the US. How to protect the Geneva refugee convention today? How to persuade majorities in Europe and beyond that its implementation is not only possible but also in their interest?

To answer these questions, we are launching a series of essays, in English and German, on Humane Borders and the future of asylum.


Essay 1

UNHCR headquarters in Geneva 

Essay 1 – The promise and the agony – saving the refugee convention

Why International protection is at risk
Myths and facts on global asylum

Swiss tragedy – borders and refoulement
(From book: Which Borders do we need?)


Essay 2


Essay 2 – The popularity of pushbacks – lessons from Australia

The Damned of Papua New Guinea
(From book: Which Borders do we need?)


Essay 3

Angela Merkel, Ahmet Davutoglu, Mark Rutte in Brussels on 6 March 2016. Photo: Bart Maat/EPA/Shutterstock

Essay 3 – Our Plan for the Aegean
(From book: Which Borders do we need?)


Essay 4

Carmine Menna with one of the refugees he saved. Photo: Unknown

Essay 4 – The Optician and the Drowning
(From book: Which Borders do we need?)

Essay 5

Signing of the coalition agreement for the 20th election period of the Bundestag (Germany) at 7 December 2021: Volker Wissing, Michael Kellner, Lars Klingbeil. Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Sandro Halank

Essay 5 – Refugees and the 2021 German Coalition Treaty
(From book: Which Borders do we need?)


Essay 1

UNHCR headquarters in Geneva 

Essay 1 – Das Versprechen und die Agonie – die Rettung der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention

Die europäische Flüchtlingskonvention?
Grundlegende Fakten über internationalen Schutz in der heutigen Welt

Schweizer Tragödie – Grenzen und Refoulement
(Aus dem Buch: Welche Grenzen brauchen wir?)


Essay 2


Essay 2 – Die Popularität von Pushbacks – Lehren aus Australien

Die Verdammten von Papua-Neuguinea
(Aus dem Buch: Welche Grenzen brauchen wir?)