Pristina, Skopje, Belgrade – ESI at conferences on the future of the Western Balkans

ESI analyst Adnan Cerimagic participated in the program "Young Generations for the New Balkans/South East Europe: Beyond Emigration, towards Alternative Horizons" organised by the Renner Institute Vienna and the International Institute for Peace (IIP). He participated in public events in Pristina and Belgrade, as well as in numerous meetings. The conferences were co-organised with the offices of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Pristina and Belgrade, as well as the European Western Balkans news portal. The visit took place from 11 to 13 March 2019.
On 11 March, Adnan spoke at a conference in Pristina on the Prespa agreement between Skopje and Athens and lessons for the Belgrade and Pristina dialogue, as well as about the future of EU-Western Balkans relations.
On 12 March, he spoke at a conference in Belgrade on the state of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the future of EU-Western Balkans relations.
Over the three days Adnan, together with a group of young researchers, met with numerous policy makers, representatives of the think tank community, and politicians. On 12 March, the group met with the foreign minister of North Macedonia, Nikola Dimitrov, in Skopje.

- ESI briefing paper: A West Balkan Agenda for 2019, 29 October 2018
- Politico, Adnan Ćerimagić, "Redrawing Balkan borders would be a fatal mistake", 28 August 2018
- ESI, "Alpbach appeal to Vucic, Thaci and European leaders – Adi Cerimagic", 26 August 2018.
- ESI, "Making history? Macedonia and Elysium", 4 April 2018.
- ESI, "Balkan crises, imagined and real: Bosnian elections – PISA gap", 31 January 2018.
- ESI, "Wine, dog food and Bosnian clichés – False ideas and why they matter", 5 November 2017.
- European Western Balkans, "[EWB Interview] Ćerimagić: We need EU accession to be beneficial for WB states today" (23 October 2017)
- ESI, "The Chapter Illusion – For Honesty and Clearity in EU-Turkey relations", 15 May 2017.
- ESI, "Rankings that fail – Doing Business, Bosnia and Macedonia in 2015", 9 November 2015.
- ESI, "A reporting revolution? Towards a new generation of progress reports", 9 November 2015.
- ESI, "Measuring corruption – The case for deep analysis and a simple proposal", 19 March 2015.
- ESI, "Why Macedonia is not Finland – rankings and the PISA gap – Part I" , 26 May 2014
- ESI, "A simple idea: All Balkan countries take the OECD PISA test – and the Commission includes it in its Progress Report", 18 June 2014.