Nicholas Wood (former staff)
Nicholas Wood (UK) has covered South Eastern Europe as a journalist since 1995. Between 1999 and 2004 he was based in Kosovo where he reported for the BBC, the Guardian and Washington Post. He covered the refugee crisis in Kosovo, the early years of the UN mission in Kosovo, as well as the fall of Milosevic in Serbia in October 2000. In 2001 he reported extensively on the conflict in Macedonia, from its outset in the mountains on the border with Kosovo to the signing of Ohrid peace accords. In 2003 he reported from Iraq for the BBC, and worked as a consultant for CBS's Sixty Minutes. Between 2003 and 2008 he was the New York Times Balkans Correspondent. Amongst many other stories he reported on the March 2004 riots in Kosovo, the death of Milosevic, the hunt for Karadzic and Mladic, and the final breakup of Yugoslavia with Montenegro and Kosovo's transition to independent states. In March, 2008 he left the NYT in work for Human Rights Watch as a consultant in the West Bank and Gaza. Since January 2009 he has worked on ESI's research in the Balkans, and helps advise on multi-media campaigns and projects. He lives in the region.