Café Europe
Fixing Thessaloniki
Yannis Boutaris and his quest for an open city
Yannis Boutaris.
Photo: PreTV.
Fixing Thessaloniki
Yannis Boutaris and his quest for an open city2014
Transition and happiness
A Bulgarian paradox?
Playing to a new tune? Musicians in Sofia’s “Gradska gradina” park.
Photo: ESI/Kristof Bender
Transition and happiness
A Bulgarian paradox?Of patriarchs and rebels
Two young women challenge taboos in Kosovo
Jeta Xharra
Photo: BIRN
Of patriarchs and rebels
Two young women challenge taboos in KosovoTimisoara 2.0
A story of industrial transformation
Unirii square, Timisoara.
Photo: PreTV
Timisoara 2.0
A story of industrial transformation2013
Ending the age of heroes
Ivo Sanader and the battle for a European Croatia
Ivo Sanader.
Photo: Geyrhalter Film
Ending the age of heroes
Ivo Sanader and the battle for a European Croatia2012
The EU as a chance for Croatia’s Serbs
Milorad Pupovac and political change
Milorad Pupovac.
Photo: Dalibor Zoric/flickr
The EU as a chance for Croatia’s Serbs
Milorad Pupovac and political changeBefore Tudjman, after Tudjman
Ivica Racan and Croatia’ first steps towards the EUBefore Tudjman, after Tudjman
Ivica Racan and Croatia’ first steps towards the EUFrom renegade to president
Stipe Mesic and Croatia after Tudjman
Stipe Mesic.
Photo: flickr/PanARMENIAN/Vahan Stepanyan
From renegade to president
Stipe Mesic and Croatia after TudjmanBuilding a working consensus
Vesna Pusic and Croatia on the way to the EU
Vesna Pusic
All photos: courtesy of Vesna Pusic
Building a working consensus
Vesna Pusic and Croatia on the way to the EU2010
Finishing the Romanian revolution
Monica Macovei and the fight against corruption
Monica Macovei.
Photo: unknown
Finishing the Romanian revolution
Monica Macovei and the fight against corruptionA unifying goal for Bosnia
Adnan Terzic and his European vision
Adnan Terzic.
A unifying goal for Bosnia
Adnan Terzic and his European visionSmall Montenegro’s big project
Gordana Djurovic and the EU questionnaire
Gordana Djurovic.
Photo: Belgrade Security Forum
Small Montenegro’s big project
Gordana Djurovic and the EU questionnaireThe EU as a cohesive glue
Radmila Sekerinska and Macedonia’s membership application
Radmila Sekerinska.
Photo: pre tv
The EU as a cohesive glue
Radmila Sekerinska and Macedonia’s membership applicationReviving multi-cultural values
Borjan Jovanovski’s “open window towards Europe”
Borjan Jovanovski presenting “Eurozoom”.
Photo: Eurozoom
Reviving multi-cultural values
Borjan Jovanovski’s “open window towards Europe”The EU as an anchor for peace
Osman Topcagic and Bosnia’s early EU aspirations
Osman Topcagic.
Photo: pre tv
The EU as an anchor for peace
Osman Topcagic and Bosnia’s early EU aspirationsNegotiations as a schedule for reforms
Silvana Lyubenova and the free movement of goods
Silvana Lyubenova
Photo: Courtesy of Silvana Lyubenova
Negotiations as a schedule for reforms
Silvana Lyubenova and the free movement of goodsFinishing the Romanian revolution
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and the fight against corruption
Alina Mungiu Pippidi
Photo: Courtesy of Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
Finishing the Romanian revolution
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and the fight against corruptionMarathon man
Mikulas Dzurinda and Slovakia’s race to catch up
Mikulas Dzurinda running the Kosice marathon in 2009.
Marathon man
Mikulas Dzurinda and Slovakia’s race to catch up2009
The EU acquis in practice
Simon Humar and environmental protection
Simon Humar.
Photo: Miro Majcen/ESI
The EU acquis in practice
Simon Humar and environmental protectionSlovakia’s crucial moment
Martin Simecka and his view of 1998
Martin M. Simecka
Photo: Courtesy of M. Simecka