


19 July 2024

Adnan Cerimagic facilitated two sessions in a workshop titled “Advanced European Governance and Integration.”

9 July 2024

Gerald Knaus advised young think tankers to consider how they can maximize their impact on society during a workshop at the Think Tank School.


27 June 2024

Gerald Knaus criticised far-right fearmongering, instead advocating for humane migration management including direct resettlements and other legal pathways.

26 June 2024

Gerald Knaus advocated humane migration control in a Dublin discussion, warning of right-wing populist threats to Europe's liberal democracies.

26 June 2024

Adnan Cerimagic took part in a workshop titled “EU-Enlargement in Southeast Europe – Debates, Models and Future Course for Political Action”. 

25 June 2024

Adnan Cerimagic took part in a workshop titled “Strategic Outlook: Western Balkans 2026” at the NATO Defence College in Rome. 

24 June 2024

Gerald Knaus called for humane migration reform to protect Europe's liberal democracy and economy in Frankfurt.

20 June 2024

ESI analysts co-organised a study trip to Moldova and Romania, bringing together 70 German top executives for discussions with local decision-makers and civil society on the opportunities and challenges in the region.

18 June 2024

Gerald Knaus was invited to speak at a debate on “The human cost of EU migration policy,” organised by Doctors Without Borders Austria (MSF), where he advocated for migration agreements aimed at reducing irregular migration and preventing deaths at sea.

18 June 2024

Adnan Cerimagic took part in a discussion titled “Anticipating the EU Accession Process the Coming Years", presented some of ESI's research and analysis on the Western Balkans.

13 June 2024

Gerald Knaus gave a lecture at the NATO Defense College on “The Balkans on the edge”, speaking about security challenges and opportunities in the Balkans, focusing on both historical and contemporary issues. 

10 June 2024

Gerald Knaus told the German Bundestag's human rights committee that the weakening of the Council of Europe undermines human rights enforcement and called for the exclusion of non-compliant countries to restore credibility.

7 June 2024

Adnan Cerimagic participated in a training programme for young Western Balkan professionals, where he presented ESI's research and advocacy approach during a session on "Dealing with the EU Bubble."

7 June 2024

Adnan Cerimagic participated in the Sarajevo Plenum where he spoke online on the impact of the European and US Elections on the Western Balkans.

6 June 2024

Gerald Knaus gave a presentation at the Swiss Economic Forum on “Which borders do we need?”, where he spoke about the culture of fear and paranoia surrounding migration and reframed the issue as one where Europe has a real opportunity to take action. 


30 May 2024

Kristof Bender participated in and chaired a session on the stabilization, democratization, and integration of the Western Balkans at the annual symposium of the Europe's Futures programme, held on the Croatian island of Cres.

28 May 2024

Gerald Knaus gave the keynote presentation on“Humane Borders and the Future of Europe”,  where he highlighted the importance of actively defending the rule of law and democratic institutions in Europe.

24 May 2024

Adnan Cerimagic participated in a roundtable at Genshagen Castle to discuss EU enlargement and democracy consolidation with European government and think tank representatives.

22 May 2024

Kristof Bender, a member of the BIRN Fellowship for Journalistic Excellence jury, participated in awarding prizes to the top journalistic investigations of the 2022 cohort.

22 May 2024

Adnan Cerimagic participated in a European Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Zagreb to discuss Russian influence and recent elections in the Western Balkans.