Passau – ESI at citizens dialogue on EU Enlargement
26 October 2021
On Tuesday, 26 October 2021, Kristof Bender will take part in a Czech-German-Austrian online citizens dialogue on "Next Stop EU? The Future of EU Enlargement Regarding the Western Balkans". The event is organised by EuropaUnion Germany and the University of Passau. Besides Kristof, the other panellists are Czech MEP Markéta Gregorová and Jörg Wojahn, the European Commission's representative in Germany. The event will be moderated by Julian Plottka of the University of Passau.
The event starts at 18:00. You can register here.
- ESI proposal: Open EU Single Market to the Balkans
- ESI newsletter: Slovenia, Serbia and an EU-Balkan breakthrough in 2021 (9 March 2021)
- Balkan Insight, "EU Has Turned Enlargement into a Hamster Whee" (21 January 2020)
- ESI report: Hamster in the Wheel. Crediblity and EU Balkan policy (15 January 2020)
- ESI newsletter: Coup de grâce - Delors and squaring the circle - Norway in the Balkans (26 October 2019)