Rome – ESI at conference on the future of EU enlargement in the Western Balkans
6 June 2018

Adnan Cerimagic (2nd from left) speaking at the conference in Rome. Photo: ESI
ESI analyst Adnan Cerimagic participated in a conference titled "From Thessaloniki to Sofia and Beyond: Heading towards a Credible European Enlargement to the Western Balkans?", organised jointly by the Istituto Affari Internazionali, European Commission and the European Fund for the Balkans. The conference took place in Rome on 6 June 2018.
Adnan presented ESI's latest reports and ideas on future of EU enlargement to the Western Balkans with particular attention on Bosnia.
- ESI, "Making history? Macedonia and Elysium", 4 April 2018.
- ESI, "Balkan crises, imagined and real: Bosnian elections – PISA gap", 31 January 2018.
- ESI, "Don't believe the Hype – Why Bosnian democracy will not end this October", 30 January 2018.
- European Western Balkans, "[EWB Interview] Ćerimagić: Questionnaire the first thing EU did right in BiH in 10 years" (20 December 2017)
- ESI, "Wine, dog food and Bosnian clichés – False ideas and why they matter", 5 November 2017.
- European Western Balkans, "[EWB Interview] Ćerimagić: We need EU accession to be beneficial for WB states today", 23 October 2017.
- ESI, "The Chapter Illusion – For Honesty and Clearity in EU-Turkey relations", 15 May 2017.
- Blijesak (Bosnian news portal), "Konferencija o EU integracijama u Mostaru: I dalje imamo perspektivu" ("Conference on EU integration process in Mostar: We continue to have membership perspective"), 29 March 2017.
- European Western Balkans, "Adnan Ćerimagić: The Idea that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Special Case Needs to be Changed", 12 December 2016.
- BiEPB, "The untold story behind Bosnia's EU membership application", 17 March 2016.
- (Bosnian news portal), "EU must accept its role both in the good and the bad processes that are happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina", 12 December 2015.
- ESI, "Rankings that fail – Doing Business, Bosnia and Macedonia in 2015", 9 November 2015.
- ESI, "A reporting revolution? Towards a new generation of progress reports", 9 November 2015.
- Nezavisne novine (Bosnian daily), "Adnan Cerimagic (ESI): Dayton je svima i krivac i izgovor" ("Adnan Cerimagic (ESI): Everyone blames Dayton and use it as excuse"), 15 September 2015.
- ESI, "Measuring corruption – The case for deep analysis and a simple proposal", 19 March 2015.
- ESI, "Bosnia as Wunderkind of Doing Business. Outline of 14 steps to take – A Proposal to the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina", 19 March 2015.
- ESI, "Protests and Illusions – How Bosnia and Herzegovina lost a decade", 23 December 2014.
- Rumeli Observer, "Bosnians care – But will protests change things?", 23 December 2014.
- ESI, "Not for lack of trying. Chronology of efforts to solve Sejdic-Finci conundrum", October 2013.
- ESI, "Houdini in Bosnia. How to unlock the EU accession process", 17 October 2013.
- ESI, "Lost in the Bosnian labyrinth. Why the Sejdic-Finci case should not block an EU application", 7 October 2013.