Berlin – ESI at debriefing on the Berlin Process Summit
7 July 2021

Photo: Berlin Process
ESI senior analyst Adnan Cerimagic participated in an online debriefing about the Berlin Process 2021 Summit in Berlin where leaders, civil society, youth and business representatives of the Western Balkans and several EU member states met.
This debriefing took place under the Chatham House rule. It was organised by the Aspen Germany Institute and was attended by representatives of the host government (Germany) and Berlin-based civil society organisations.
- “Open EU Single Market to the Balkans”
- “Escaping the Hamster Wheel: For a reformed, merit-based EU accession process that offers a credible interim goal”
- “Abandon clichés about Bosnia: Push EU-related reforms instead of arbitrary conditions”
- “Start EU accession talks with North Macedonia: Keep your word. Strengthen reformers”
- “No partition: Why Kosovo and Serbia must not discuss territory”
- “Anti-Corruption Report for the West Balkans: Measure corruption in order to fight it”