Berlin – ESI at Der Spiegel "Zukunft Afrika" conference
24 October 2018
ESI's Gerald Knaus took part in the SPIEGEL Conference "Zukunft Afrika" in Berlin, presenting core facts on Mediterranean migration and asylum, and challenging the reasoning behind the narrative of a looming "invasion" of some experts and populists leaders. The conference was also attended by German Minister for Development Gerd Muller who made remarks much encouraging for ESI: concrete, humane, and critical of myths and fear-mongering. The organisers also published a booklet with quotes and biographies of the speakers.


The conference followed an earlier meeting on 17 October between the Minister and ESI at the Ministry in Berlin, discussing ESI's analysis and proposals.

Friedrich Püttmann, Gerald Knaus, Minister Gerd Müller, State Secretary Martin Jäger (17 October 2018). Photo: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Andreas Ernst and Fabian Urech, "Gerald Knaus: 'Weil funktionierende Rückübernahmeabkommen mit den Herkunftsländern fehlen, wird die EU zu einem tödlichen Magneten'" - interview with Gerald Knaus - ("Gerald Knaus: 'The lack of functioning readmission agreements with countries of origin is turning the EU into a deadly magnet'") (26 October 2018)
- ESI core facts: The Italian Magnet – Deaths, arrivals and returns in the Central Mediterranean (13 March 2018)
- Refugees Deeply, John Dalhuisen Gerald Knaus, How Italy Can Combine Migration Control With Human Rights (13 March 2018)
- ESI paper: "Amsterdam in the Mediterranean" – How a Dutch-style asylum system can help resolve the Mediterranean refugee crisis (26 January 2018) – also available in Italian: "Amsterdam nel Mediterraneo"
- ESI core facts: Refugees and asylum in the Aegean – The impact of the EU-Turkey statement (26 January 2018)
- ESI proposals for the refugee crises in the Central Mediterranean and the Aegean:
- Media reactions to ESI refugee proposals