Skopje – ESI discusses EU enlargement policy
12 October 2016

Kristof Bender (2nd from right) at conference "Global Contingencies, Local Predicaments". Photo: MCET
On 12 and 13 October ESI's Kristof Bender attended a conference entitled "Global Contingencies, Local Predicaments" in Skopje. He spoke at a panel about "Global contingencies and their implications for EU enlargement policy" and presented ESI's ideas on how to adapt the accession process in times where the end-goal of EU membership cannot be taken for granted any more. The conference was organised by the Macedonian Centre for European Training (MCET) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Kristof also gave interviews to a number of Macedonian TV channels and newspapers.
- Alsat, 360 Степени, "Посетата на Хан пред распуштањето на Собранието" - interview with Kristof Bender - ("Hahn's visit before the dissolution of parliament") (17 October 2016)
- 24 Vesti, "Бендер: Ситуацијата во Македонија ќе беше поинаква ако имаше датум за преговори" ("Bender: Situation in Macedonia would be different if there were data for negotiations") (12 October 2016)
- TV 21, "УНИЈАТА НЕ Е КОМПЛЕТНА БЕЗ ЈУГОИСТОЧНА ЕВРОПА – ПОЛИТИЧКАТА КРИЗА ЈА ЗАГРОЗУВА ПРЕПОРАКАТА?!" - interview with Kristof Bender - ("Union is not complete without SEE - Political crisis threatens recommendation") (12 October 2016)
- Utrinski Vesnik, "НИКОЛА ДИМИТРОВ СЕ ВРАЌА ВО ПОЛИТИКАТА" ("Nikola Dimitrov returns to politics") (12 October 2016)

Kristof interviewed by Vladimir Mircevski of Alsat for the talk show "360 Degrees"