Berlin – ESI at discussion on how to make EU enlargement work
4 July 2022

Adnan Cerimagic speaks at a panel on future of EU enlargement. Photo: ESI
ESI senior analyst Adnan Cerimagic participated in an online panel discussion titled "(Too) Many Proposals, Little Hope? How to Make Enlargement Work" organised by the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG), the European Fund for the Balkans, and the Southeast Europe Association (SOG) where he presented some of ESI's research and analysis.
Opening Remarks: Manuel Sarrazin, German Federal Government Special Representative for the Countries of the Western Balkans
- Chloé Goupille, Europe Advisor, Cabinet of French President Emmanuel Macron
- Milena Lazarević, Centre for European Policy
- Adnan Ćerimagić, European Stability Initiative
- Florent Marciacq, Observatoire des Balkans, Fondation Jean Jaurès
Moderator: Florian Bieber, Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group, Board Member of the Southeast Europe Association
ESI proposals for background reading: