Rome – ESI lecture on the Western Balkans at Nato Defence College
30 April 2021
Video: NATO Defense College
ESI’s Gerald Knaus was invited to give an online lecture on the Western Balkans. He focused on NATO and EU interventions in the region and the possible future roles that both actors could play.
Gerald’s co-lecturer was Marilena Koppa from Panteion University in Athens, Greece.
The lecture was attended by 64 military officers and government officials from 26 countries.
- “Open EU Single Market to the Balkans”
- “Escaping the Hamster Wheel: For a reformed, merit-based EU accession process that offers a credible interim goal”
- “Abandon clichés about Bosnia: Push EU-related reforms instead of arbitrary conditions”
- “Start EU accession talks with North Macedonia: Keep your word. Strengthen reformers”
- “No partition: Why Kosovo and Serbia must not discuss territory”
- “Anti-Corruption Report for the West Balkans: Measure corruption in order to fight it”
- “How to teach war in the Balkans? For a comprehensive analysis of 20th century history textbooks”