Rosenheim – ESI presentation on "migration as a challenge for the future"
7 October 2019

Photo: Caritas Rosenheim
ESI’s Gerald Knaus was invited to give a presentation on our proposals for refugee and migration policy at an event organised by the Catholic charity Caritas in Rosenheim. He argued for a clear strategy that must include fast quality asylum procedures and readmission agreements with countries of origin whose citizens do not need protection in the EU.
The presentation was followed by a debate with:
- Markus Rinderspacher (SPD), Vice president of the Bavarian Parliament
- Klaus Steiner (CSU), MP in the Bavarian Parliament
- Gülseren Demirel (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), MP in the Bavarian Parliament
- Gabriele Stark-Angermeier, Member of the Board of Caritas Munich/Freising
- ESI proposals for the refugee crises in the Central Mediterranean and the Aegean:
- Media reactions to ESI refugee proposals

Photo: Caritas Rosenheim

Photo: Caritas Rosenheim