Sarajevo – ESI on the role of cantons in Bosnia's EU accession process
22 April 2016

Adnan Cerimagic (left). Photo: Foreign Policy Initiative BH
ESI analyst Adnan Cerimagic discussed the role of cantons in Bosnia's EU accession process at the conference "Cantons in the Federation of BiH: Realities and expectations in EU accession process" organized by the Sarajevo based think tank Foreign Policy Initiative BH. The event was attended by representatives of government institutions, academia, diplomats, and journalists. Adnan presented latest the ESI reports and ideas on EU-Bosnia relations.
- BiEPB, "The untold story behind Bosnia's EU membership application", 17 March 2016
- ESI, "Escaping the first circle of hell or the secret behind Bosnian reforms", 10 March 2016
- ESI, "Bosnia as Wunderkind of Doing Business. Outline of 14 steps to take – A Proposal to the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina", 19 March 2015
- ESI, "Protests and Illusions – How Bosnia and Herzegovina lost a decade", 23 December 2014
- Rumeli Observer, "Bosnians care – But will protests change things?", 23 December 2014
- ESI, "Pumpkins, outliers and the Doing Business illusion", 4 November 2014
- ESI, "Houdini in Bosnia. How to unlock the EU accession process", 17 October 2013
- ESI, "Lost in the Bosnian labyrinth. Why the Sejdic-Finci case should not block an EU application", 7 October 2013