Berlin – ESI takes part in a panel on the anniversary of the Dayton Peace Accords
14 December 2020

Photo: ESI
ESI analyst Adnan Cerimagic took part in a conference titled “Bosnian and Herzegovinian Peace Agreement turns 25: Keeping the Peace and Championing a Liberal, Democratic and Prosperous Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Adnan took part in a panel on “The way to a liberal, democratic and prosperous Bosnia and Herzegovina: What role for the EU?” The conference was organised by the International Institute for Peace in Vienna in cooperation with the Austrian Institute for International Affairs and the Karl Renner Institute from Vienna. Panellists included Johann Sattler, EU ambassador and special representative in Sarajevo, Wolfgang Petritsch, Ilana Bet-El, Senada Selo Sabic and Hannes Swoboda.
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