Belgrade – ESI takes part in the Western Balkans Regional Business Forum

ESI senior analyst Adnan Cerimagic took part in the Western Balkans Regional Business Forum titled “The Western Balkans in 2030 and beyond” organised by the Eastern Committee of the German Economy (Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft), Internship Programme of German Business for the Countries of the Western Balkans, and the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
Adnan was invited to provide an introductory speech and then moderate the opening panel which included Lulzim Rafuna (Kosovo Chamber of Commerce), Medeja Loncar (CEO Siemens Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia) and Branimir Jovanovic (wiiw Vienna). He presented some of the ESI research and ideas. Participants included representatives of the Western Balkans businesses, governments, and civil society.
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