New ESI Background Paper: The White List Project. EU Policies on Visa-Free Travel for the Western Balkans

1 November 2008
Applicants for Schengen visa in the Balkans
Applicants for Schengen visa in the Balkans

ESI Background Paper: The White List Project. EU Policies on Visa-Free Travel for the Western Balkans (1 November 2008)

Today, ESI released a special Background Paper on Enlargement and the Schengen White List Project.

When it comes to the EU, one of the greatest wishes of citizens of the Western Balkans, besides EU membership, is visa-free travel. It has for many years already been an elusive goal.

This background paper intends to provide the knowledge base for an informed debate of visa liberalisation for the Western Balkans. Such knowledge is lacking at the moment. While the topic is hotly debated, all sides tend to use arguments without evidence to back them up. The study covers topics such as the importance of lifting the visa requirements, impact on organised crime in the EU or the potential for illegal work migration.

If you have any questions about this paper, please e-mail ESI senior analyst Alexandra Stiglmayer who is in charge of ESI's White List Project.

Alexandra Stiglmayer
Alexandra Stiglmayer, ESI senior analyst in charge of ESI White List Project