Seminar in Mitrovica - An Economic Vision for Kosovo: Where we stand and the way forward
On 15 July UNMIK EU Pillar and the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) hosted the third Round Table of the ESPIG, jointly carried through with the European Stability Initiative (ESI). The DFID-sponsored meeting was held in Mitrovica. The aim of the seminar was to discuss an economic vision for Kosovo among key Kosovo stakeholders and identify priorities for Kosovo's future economic development. ESI-LLA prepared the main report which was discussed: Towards a Kosovo Development Plan.
The key issue discussed was how Kosovo policy makers might learn from the experience of other European countries when drawing up their economic development strategy following the upcoming elections.
More than one hundred participants attended, including Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi, Minister of Finance and Economy Ali Sadriu and Minister of Culture Youth and Sport Bexhet Brajshori as well as representatives from Kosovar and international institutions dealing with economic issues.