Zurich – “A stress test for European migration policy” – ESI at Brown Bag Lunch at Avenir Suisse
30 August 2021

Zurich. Photo: Felipe Palma
ESI’s Gerald Knaus was invited to speak about “A stress test for European migration policy” at the think tank Avenir Suisse in Zurich. In his presentation, he focused on the current European debate on migration, the situation of Afghan refugees and outlined ESI’s proposal for a new, humane approach on borders and asylum, including the expansion of resettlement programmes.
- Humane Borders - www.humaneborders.eu
- Welche Grenzen brauchen wir? - www.grenzen.eu
- ESI Newsletter: Essay 1 - The promise and the agony – saving the refugee convention
- Deutschlandfunk: 70 Years of the Geneva Refugee Convention: "The fear of mass migration is completely irrational." 28 July 2021